Zenith: The Last City VR MMO Game Review

Zenith: The Last City is a vr (virtual reality) mmo (massively multiplayer online) game that released January 27th 2022 and personally i’ve been playing it since day one. Its been out for a few days now and I really enjoy playing it and the community. The game itself is “An online adventure that will take players through a massive world as they explore, fight, and craft their way through a gorgeous JRPG and Anime-inspired open adventure” the game is very fun all around especially with it being a full VR (virtual reality) game. You have to do the movements and actions in real life and it’ll cause damage and effects with your movements. You can play as a mage or a blade master. Those are the only options as of now but they’re adding more to the game overtime. Although there’s 3 roles to choose from. Tank: which is used to take the heat for the party DPS: whic is made to dish out the most damage per second Support: whichis there to keep everyone healthy when times get tough. I’ve been playing with my friend Josh since day one and we’re only level 14. (40 is the max) it’s a very long game but it’s so fun cause there’s so many terrains and places for you to go to level up and fight/find new enemies. There’s a bunch of side quests and a very long main story which makes the game so much more fun. I’ve put around 10 hours in the game and i’m not even close to exploring the whole map. The feeling of being in the game itself just makes it 10x better. The developers (RamenVR) did a very very good job with everything the voice acting, story, storyline, characters, everything. Now they did have some backlash when the game first came out because of the severed messing up but they quickly fixed it and the game has been a top selling game since it came out. I think it’s a super fun game to play especially with friends or random people you find in the game even if you play alone it’s such a great and fun experience. i would definitely recommend this game to anyone and everyone that loves MMO games and long story based games that you can play for hours and not get bored of. I cant wait to play it more and get deeper into the story i will definitely keep you guys updated as i continue on with the story make sure to check back soon for updates on the game but I highly recommend this game to anyone that has a VR headset or anyone planning on getting one in the future! The graphics, gameplay, and everything is definitely too tier and worth the wait for the game to fully release. It started development in 2019 and had a kickstarter that raised $10M in total, the game itself cost $30. In the game the only way to get around is by running/walking, gliding, or to fast travel to places you’ve been too already and unlocked. I personally think that makes the game much more fun and worth it because on the way you’ll definitely run into some I cant wait to play it more and get deeper into the story i will definitely keep you guys updated as i continue on with the story make sure to check back soon for updates on the game but I highly recommend this game to anyone that has a VR headset or anyone planning on getting one in the future! Overall i would definitely recommend this game to everyone that likes MMO games and vr games in general!

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